Monday, April 14, 2008

What is Tunguska Blast? Part 2

Watch the Short Tunguska Blast Movie Now!

When deciding on a nutrition drink or juice, it's all about the adaptogens. Don't forget about the free radicals that the adaptogens can fight to help the body to minimize disease, toxin build up and the aging process. Adaptgens also help the body in absorbing nutrients. Free radicals are molecules that are produced in disease states such as stress, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, cancer, high cortisol states, and many more. Adaptogens are the neutralizers of these free radicals. Free radicals can speed up the aging process. Smoking and alcohol abuse can also increase free radical production.

What are Antioxidants?

Antioxidants can be used interchangeably with adaptogens. All adpatogens are usually antioxidants. Some adaptogens include vitamins A, C and E. Without getting into the oxidizing process of chemistry, antioxidants are fighters or neutralizers of free radicals. This is probably why increased vitamin C intake is associtated with lower rates of certain cancers. Other sources of antioxidants include fruits and vegetables. Individuals who eat multiple servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis usually have lower risks of cancer. Finally antioxidants help the body to absorb nutrients and assist enzymes in multiple processes of the body.

What are Free Radicals?

Free radicals are substances in the body that a have an odd number of electrons (bad memories of chemistry for some reading this). They can be very damaging to cells including the DNA or genes of the cells.

Tunguska Blast: What is It?

There are many juices on the market. I am especially pleased with a juice or nutrition drink called Tunguska blast. This juice has 10 all natural plant adaptogens. This propretary blend of adaptogens is made by the company Cyberwize. It imparts energy, stamina while boosting the immune system. A sample of these adaptogens are Eleuthero root, Licorice root, Chinese Magnolia, and Golden root. Sorbus Aucuparia is an adaptogen in Tunguska Blast juice that can enhance the body's ability to prevent vitamin C deficiency. Eleutherococcus supports better oxygen utilization by muscles. It can also support the body in promoting sleep. Rhaponticum Carthamoides can further enhance physical performance by supporting the increase in muscle mass.


Adaptogens are critical in supporting the body's systems: stamina, energy, boosting the immune system, and fighting toxins in the body that promote disease, cellular damage, DNA damage, and aging. Whether with diet or dietary supplements, choose foods and supplements rich in adaptogens.

Need Energy Fast, Drink Tunguska Blaast: Get it Today!
Read Dr. Campbell's Ezine Articles Now!

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